The half-hour video ‘Oh, Sweet Mystery of Rock, Where are You?’ was filmed at a rock’n’roll weekender at the Brean Sands Pontins resort, Somerset, in November 1989 and was first aired on BBC2 on the 26th of July 1990 (to be repeated 4 times: 23.09.1991 on BBC2 | 16.04.2002 & 18.94.2002 on BBC4 | 04.10.2004 […]
Near-Ted 1 Mark Lamarr (1967-)
Born Mark Jones and brought up in Swindon, Lamarr dropped out of school aged 17 in 1984 and came to Harrow, London, where he joined the local rockabilly scene. Between 1995 and 1997 he appeared as a team captain in the surreal panel show ‘Shooting Stars’, where he displayed a mixture of dour boredom and […]
Near-Ted 2 Brian Hibbard (1946-2012)
“Like a smaller, rougher Fonz!” Born and raised in Ebbw Vale (Monmouthshire). His first significant role was as the slovenly, unemployed Chunky – reprising the 1950s haircut and sideburns, along with leather jacket and skull-and-crossbones motif on his T-shirt – in Making Out (1989-91), the first of Debbie Horsfield’s comedy-dramas centred on groups of women. […]
1970s The Confederate Teds and Rebels of Paris
One of the well-known groupings of rock’rollers in Paris were the teds of the 13th Arrondissement and Villejuif (Villefeuj in slang). Firstly look at 6:34 and especially from 7:24 onwards then at 9:25.
1959-63 The Blousons Noirs
If you don’t want any analysis of the Blousons Noirs (‘The Black Jackets’), the French equivalents of the teddy boys just watch the following clip:Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT Supply TEXT. 1959 Square Saint Lambert, Paris 1963 Paris Match article ‘We are all Blousons […]
1980s The cats of Paris